The UTC L8020 dual polarisation switch controller is one of a
wide range of satellite receiver LNB support circuits. Its features
include completely independent channels, and every channel
provides two logic outputs under the voltage sensitive input. The
two inputs of the UTC L8020 have a nominal threshold of 14.5V.
Their threshold is temperature compensated to minimize drift. In
order to achieve the transient protection by adding only a single
resistor per channel, each input has a low and stable input current.
Normal and inverted outputs are provided for each input. All
outputs can source 15mA and sink 10mA making them suitable to
drive TTL and CMOS logic, pin diodes and for IF-amp supply switching.
The UTC L8020 works in a single supply ranging from 5V
to12V. The quiescent current of the UTC L8020 is 4mA, and there
is no remarkable change with load or logic state. In order to adapt
the variation of environmental conditions, the ambient operating temperature is -40°C~+85°C.
The UTC L8020 can be used in applications, such as IF switch
box, LNB switch boxes and twin LNBs, replacing many discrete
components to save both manufacturing cost and PCB size as well as improving reliability.
* Avoid external components
* Provides polarity detection and control
* Transient resistant
* Low input and supply current
* Temperature compensated input threshold
* Normal and inverted output available while
wide supply operating range
* Dual polarisation switch
* Simplify the design
* Halogen Free |